NOLA Tree Project

The NOLA Tree project is dedicated to replant the amount of trees that the New Orleans neighborhoods had before hurricane Katrina. Yesterday, the Burk Companies helped plant 20 trees in local Lakeview neighborhoods, helping the total trees planted to be around 69,500! Although, they still have a ways to go because New Orleans lost over 100,000 trees 17 years ago. 


You can help the NOLA Tree project in a numerous of ways. Burk Brokerage and Burk Construction volunteered their time and sponsored this specific tree planting, but you can help in ways that is no cost to you!

This weekend, Saturday, December 3rd, the NOLA Tree project will be hosting the Big TREEsy giving away 500 trees to New Orleans residents at the Trinity Community Center (3908 Joliet St.) from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. You can help the project, by planting your very own tree!

To learn more about donating, volunteering, or other NOLA Tree Project events visit .

Allison Deemes